Is Stress Really Affecting One’s Fertility?

There are several women who get pregnant easily even if they smoke like a chimney, drink a lot after dinner, and even think of exercise as a being waste of time. On the other hand, there are women who do all the right things but for months and years do not get pregnant and take their own time to get pregnant.
New evidence does indicate that stress does affect fertility. A recent study has shown that women with high levels of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that correlates with stress do have a harder time getting pregnant.
Women can indeed, and often do so, get pregnant even under intense stress, for example, that following the death of a spouse.
Women do suffer from high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. In stressful situations, cortisol, similar to adrenaline, does push metabolism into high gear. It can raise blood pressure or one can gain weight or it can lead to other health problems.

How to get rid of stress by women trying to get pregnant?

1. Enlist one’s partner.

Research does indicate that women do handle infertility-related stress differently from men. Women more often do seek social support, for example; men lean towards problem-solving. This disconnect can rather strain the relationship. Couples need to act as if they were dating again. They need to set aside time during the week to go to a movie. One can go in for dance classes together. Do take about 20 minutes of their time to spend on pregnancy-related discussions. Fertility talk does help but not too much of it.

2. Rethink one’s attitude.

Sometimes the feeling that everybody else does get pregnant, does cause much distress. Positive thinking is essential. One needs to avoid pessimistic thinking and being realistic in approach and attitude.

3. Try journaling.

Putting down one’s thoughts on paper can help get rid of the pressure in one’ thoughts. One feels off-loaded of concerns that one might feel hesitant to share.

Read more: female infertility hospitals in Hyderabad


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