Hot bathtubs can kill male fertility
One may love indulging themselves in hot bathtubs or hot water tub and also relax in Jacuzzi baths. It is better to shed this love to indulge oneself in hot baths in case one wants to have a family. Researchers hold the opinion that the constant exposure to the existing ‘wet heat’ can indeed damage one’s fertility levels. This view has gained much ground as several studies have been conducted to this effect. The study was indeed conducted on a group of men who were used to hot bathtubs or hot water bath on a rather regular basis. They were indeed exposed to water with the higher temperature for at least 30 minutes in a week. When their semen samples were actually examined, it did show low sperm production as well as poor sperm motility rate as compared to those who were less exposed to this sort of heat. Men who have actually been diagnosed with fertility disorders, overexposure to heated water can also worsen the matter for them. However, the effect can indeed be reversed. If on...